Privacy Policy

We recognise the importance of protecting your privacy.
This is Hareer organazation privacy policy which explains how we may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us collecting, holding, using and disclosing your personal information as set out by this policy or as otherwise agreed with you.


We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will ensure that any personal information provided to us will be treated in accordance and as described in this policy.

Our privacy policy is based on the following guidelines:

Information about donations is handled with respect and confidentiality, as required by law.

Some donors prefer anonymity. We will respect your wishes if you prefer your gift to remain confidential.

The personal information you provide as a donor, volunteer or supporter, or when submitting an online enquiry form through our websites and social media channels will be protected by us. We only disclose your contact information to third parties, such as healthcare agencies, in accordance with the Privacy Act or where we have specifically advised you at the time we have collected your information, or you have otherwise explicitly consented.


What information we collect
We collect personal information from donors including name, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, dates of birth and donation dates and amounts. We also record your relationship to us, such as volunteer, private individual, company etc. We will record this information in our donor data base unless you’ve specifically requested us not to.

We collect personal information from volunteers and people who have offered to volunteer, including name, contact details, such as email addresses, location and areas of interest for volunteering opportunities. Details of people who offer to volunteer for us are inputted into our database.

We collect personal information from supporters (people who have registered to receive information about Hareer newsletters upcoming events ) including name and contact details, including email addresses.

We record and respect specific requests made by donors, volunteers and supporters, for example, requests to remain anonymous or to be excluded from certain mailings.
We do not obtain information about individuals or organisations from other organisations, unless those concerned have authorised such collection.


We also collect information through this website using cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your computer. We use cookies to personalise your experience on the website, make it easier for you to navigate our site, and improve your experience by storing your search, posting and application history, and, if we develop log-in functionality, your login details. Cookies can be disabled via your web browser, but doing this may limit your access to some of our website’s content and features. We may use cookies to track non-personally identifiable information such as usage and volume statistics for research, marketing purposes, and to further develop our website.


Consequences of not providing requested personal information to us
If you’ve not provided some or all of the personal information set out above, we may not be able to carry all of the activities set out in this policy, for example we may not be able to process your donation or provide you with volunteering opportunities that are best suited to your skills.


How we use and share personal information
We may use and share personal information as allowed under the Privacy Act, and for the purposes set out below.

How we use and share personal information about donors
We use information about donors

To distribute receipts for donations;
To send donor acknowledgement letters and thank donors for their donations;
To inform donors about upcoming fundraising and other Hareer activities;
For internal analysis and record keeping;
For general communications through direct mail, emails, phone and SMS;
You can opt-out of communications from us at any time as explained in this Policy.
For the ordinary operation of our business including
to identify an individual and to conduct appropriate checks regarding the provision of services to donors;
to provide support, including administration and management,
Researching, developing and improving our services, including an understanding of donor’s communications needs;
informing donors of changes to our services;
For any other purpose indicated when you provided your personal information to us.
We will only use and disclose your personal information for these purposes or as otherwise authorised by you or allowed by law.

Donor Bill of Rights

Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organisations and causes they are asked to support.


We make every effort to ensure the information provided is as up-to-date and as accurate as possible, however we do not accept liability for misinterpreted or incorrect information. It is also not our intention to recommend any particular form of treatment. You should always discuss information with your health team where possible.